(my Most Recent tattoo--on the rist--not yet finished , its only the beginning )
i am a person who loves body art. so tattoos is my thing. i have five tattoos. and i'm not yet done. 18- years old im young but i get annoyed when i get people who sit and tell me "when i get older i am going to regret it" How do you know?? and most the people who say that don't even got a tattoo of there own. its my body and if i please to tatt it up then let me do so. i say i only live once if i am 80 years old god bless me. but i live for today not for how i'm going to look when i'm 80 and hey then just look at me like i will be the most gangsta grandmother ever. lol word i know i ain't the only one in the world who heres this bullshit all the time. because its annoying && if they not even your parent and they trying to tell you this bullshit. keep it moving please because my own parents can not tell me i cant get my tattoos because i earn everything i do. by going to school and handling my responsibilities. i got my first tattoo when i was 16 and my mom said yes and thought i was to chicken to go on and do it. but i had my money and i did it. i love body art and i want to get my sleeve done but my Boyfriend tells me No..lol
Trust me i'll will get it Done. You'll see ;]
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